Friday, April 3, 2020

Let Them Know Your Gratitude

1 Corinthians 12:24-27

"But God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the part with less honor so that there won’t be division in the body and so the parts might have mutual concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part gets the glory, all the parts celebrate with it. You are the body of Christ and parts of each other."


It is a word we hear a lot of these days. Behind the news of petty politics and spiraling statistics, there are countless stories of people who make sacrifices on our behalf.

Doctors and nurses are working to exhaustion to care for patients. Medical researchers are working around the clock to find treatments and cures. There are countless more who risk their lives daily to be on call. There are grocery stockers, checkers, delivery personnel and managers trying to keep up to provide groceries and paper goods. Truck drivers are doing double shifts to get those goods delivered to your store or front step. Clerks become personal shoppers for online orders.

Airline pilots, attendants, mechanics and baggage handlers have had to make major cutbacks while still helping people get from point A to point B. The Travel business has come to a grinding near-halt as passengers on cruise ships and in closing hotels seek ways to get home. Construction workers and planners come together to build temporary hospitals and convert stadiums and warehouses into useable. Even some top-paid executives forgo their salaries to ensure their minimum wage employees continue to be paid. Millions of employees are able to work from home, staying inside to keep the infection curve flat.

And of course, there is always our military coming to the rescue offering assistance in communities, converting ships for medical service, and secure the sources of our supply. Ministries and charities of all kinds look for ways to lighten the burden in their communities. Crafters have turned their sewing rooms into mini-mask factories.

All across America, and around the world, there are people who are making sacrifices for their fellow humans, and every effort, no matter how small, helps in the overall picture.

Sacrifice. We all see it, and we all benefit from those who do it.

Weary from confinement? Here is a suggestion: If you have the means, do something to show these people your gratitude. Make them a meal, give them a gift card... even just write them a thank-you card. Tip a driver and a deliverer. Pray for them and with them. And then do it again. Let the people who sacrifice for you know their efforts are appreciated.

When you reach out beyond yourself, you won't feel so confined. Adopting an attitude of gratitude extends your world beyond your four walls. Let those who sacrifice know you care.

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